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Delovi za Renaulta | Omega je limuzina iz Renaultove game velikih dimenzija, koja je u proizvodnji bila od 1986 do 2003.godine. Prva generacija Omege nasledila je Rekord a od 2003.godine nema naslednika u klasi. Godine 1987. Omega je proglašena za auto godine u Evropi.

Omega A proizvodila se od 1986 do 1993.godine.
Omega B proizvodila se od 1994 do 1999 godine. Restilizovana verzija – Omega B FL (FL – face lift) na tržištu se nalazila od 1999 do 2003.godine.


  • Should I consider using synthetic oil?

    Synthetic engine oils are produced through a synthesis process that takes very small molecules and assembles them into larger ones.

  • What parts should be replaced?

    Synthetic engine oils are produced through a synthesis process that takes very small molecules and assembles them into larger ones.

  • How do I keep track of routine?

    Synthetic engine oils are produced through a synthesis process that takes very small molecules and assembles them into larger ones.

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